<aside> 💡 Welcome to the Makerspace Notion page! You will find helpful resources, equipment guides, important links, and FAQ’s. If you cannot find what you’re looking for here, you may contact us at [email protected]!


Open Hours:

Spring Semester 2024:


If you have questions/concerns or want help with a project, feel free to stop by anytime during open hours or whenever an operator is present!

*We will only be open on Monday 3/18 during Spring Break

Who Works in the Makerspace?

Meet the Operators

Untitled Database

Workshops @ Makerspace

Makerspace also holds educational workshops every semester. These workshops are held by the Makerspace Operators and are open to ALL schools. We would be glad to have you! Check out the archive (in progress) below

Workshop Archive

Untitled Database


3-D Printing

<aside> 📄 https://forms.office.com/r/MBe52zT8ht



The Makerspace has Prusa i3 MK3S & MK3S+ printers available for students to use. If you need to 3D print, please use the form linked above.

If you have questions or concerns, either about your print or design, drop by during Open Hours!

Laser Cutting

<aside> 📄 https://tinyurl.com/mkspc707



The Makerspace offers laser cutting on the Epilog Fusion Maker.

For Laser cutting services, you must book time with one of our operators using the link above.

***Please come to your appointment with a .DXF file of your cut and the material you intend to use. You must also note down the unit of measurement you exported your .DXF file in.

Build + Solder Stations


The build station is equipped with power and cutting tools, drills and various drill bits, screws, clamps etc.

The solder station includes solder kits, electrical wire, and electronic components like resistors, switches.

Students are free to use the build and solder stations while following safety protocols. If you have questions or want help, stop by during Open Hours!

Materials Library

Makerspace has a repertoire of materials that range from scraps of acrylic and wood for the laser cutter, to miscellaneous hardware, and pieces from disassembled printers and previous student projects. Materials are free for students to use in prototyping and projects. Only some materials are listed below, if you don’t see what you need feel free to stop by and check!




*We are currently working on an inventory of these items but we encourage you to come check out the library before you purchase items for your project.

Item Sign-Out

<aside> 📄 https://forms.office.com/r/D5b0n09HrP


If you are a student, faculty or staff, wanting to borrow or take a tool/part from the Makerspace, you must log it in the form above.

Filling out this form helps us keep inventory, gauge the needs of the students, and replenish stock accordingly.

YOU DO NOT need to fill out this form if you are using equipment within the lab space.

Helpful Resources:

Digital Fabrication Tools

Equipment Guides
